This doesn’t even really qualify as a tisane- it’s trail mix! It’s made of huge pieces of dates, raisins, dried banana chips and nut bits. This may also be one of the most expensive products I’ve rated here on Steepster so far. A 25g pouch was only enough for 2 modest cups.
The fragrance was sweet and nutty. There was only one banana chip in the pouch, so that didn’t contribute much. The dates really stood out.
Once prepared, this made a drink that was essentially a fruit soup. The liquid was a light muddy brown. With the nuts floating in it, you don’t want to look at it too long.
The taste wasn’t too bad. The dates were sweet and the slight oil from the nuts gave it a bit of creaminess. There was a very faint note of banana, but I would have liked it much stronger.
Overall, I was a little disappointed with this one. The flavor wasn’t as balanced or deep as I would like and it was a bit expensive. I guess it was fun to try it once but I won’t be reordering.
Yeah I have different categories for tea: tea (true), herbals, and fruit tisane… and I even distinguis some herbals (like ginger) that has no liquor to speak of. I call those. “waters” (i.e. ginger water). You used 13g for just one modest cup? Hot dang! What qualifies as modest?
The cups were about 6oz each. The recommendation was 1 1/2 tsp per cup. There was only 4tsp in the 25g bag so I used it all since I wouldn’t have been left enough for a third cup. This was really heavy from the dates and nuts.
I agree with your post… I ordered this with my last davids order and was disappointed! I was surprised that I had used most of the bag at one time.
Yeah I have different categories for tea: tea (true), herbals, and fruit tisane… and I even distinguis some herbals (like ginger) that has no liquor to speak of. I call those. “waters” (i.e. ginger water). You used 13g for just one modest cup? Hot dang! What qualifies as modest?
The cups were about 6oz each. The recommendation was 1 1/2 tsp per cup. There was only 4tsp in the 25g bag so I used it all since I wouldn’t have been left enough for a third cup. This was really heavy from the dates and nuts.
I agree with your post… I ordered this with my last davids order and was disappointed! I was surprised that I had used most of the bag at one time.
Maybe eating it would reap more favorable results?
I have to admit that I did nibble on a few of the cooked date bits.