This is a very unusual green tea. The fragrance is a cross between raisins, figs and dates and a little cereal.
This brewed to a champagne color. The flavor was close to a genmaicha with a full body and a bit of a cereal taste, but was much lighter and sweeter. The difference between toasted rice and sesame seeds is obvious. I didn’t really pick up any caramel in the flavor, but in a green tea, that would actually be my preference.
175 °F / 79 °C
2 min, 30 sec
“The fragrance is a cross between raisins, figs and dates and a little cereal.”… Raisin Bran! lol
Too funny! I wonder how Raisin Bran translates in Japanese?
…I better not say that too loud or that’ll be the next 52 teas blend LOL
レーズンふすま just don’t ask me how to pronounce it.