I love jasmine tea and I’m on a quest to find the best moderately priced oolong available. From my experience, I would think that there may be better than Adagio’s. From their description, the leaves “majestically unfurl.” I’ve tried every sensible brewing time and temperature combination possible and I can only get the pearls to open about half the time. The fragrance only carries an inch or so from the cup and the tea always seems “watered down.” My experience with Adagio in general has been that their teas seem “tired” when they arrive. They’re simply not very robust and just don’t brew up as expected.
I’d recommend checking out Life in Teacup’s oolongs. Great quality, reasonable prices, and very generous with free samples.
H- Thanks, I’ll check that out!
Cofftea, yeah, this is a weird one for me. When it brews correctly it’s not bad. For some reason, I have a difficult time getting this one to be consistent. I started drinking Adagio well before I found this site and I’m seeing ratings are consistently higher for their teas than what I would give. I haven’t placed an order with them in some time. I think I might have gotten an off batch. I’ll probably pick up some more from them this Fall to try the great suggestions I’m getting on Steepster. I’ll give this jasmine another shot too.
I’d recommend checking out Life in Teacup’s oolongs. Great quality, reasonable prices, and very generous with free samples.
This makes me sad! I love this. I prefer it steeped at 3 min. Perhaps your water/leaf ratio is off?
H- Thanks, I’ll check that out!
Cofftea, yeah, this is a weird one for me. When it brews correctly it’s not bad. For some reason, I have a difficult time getting this one to be consistent. I started drinking Adagio well before I found this site and I’m seeing ratings are consistently higher for their teas than what I would give. I haven’t placed an order with them in some time. I think I might have gotten an off batch. I’ll probably pick up some more from them this Fall to try the great suggestions I’m getting on Steepster. I’ll give this jasmine another shot too.