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Yay! Thanks CK for swapping with me for this!
If you like matcha and pina colada you’ll very likely dig this. I thought it was great as an iced latte!
How did you prepare yours? I’m experimenting right now
Hmm, I think a cold latte with real milk- shaken with some sugar or honey, I forget which one- in a cocktail shaker with ice.
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Graphic artist, printmaker, lover of tea.
I love pretty much every type of tea camellia sinensis can produce. I like herbal teas sometimes but I can’t stand rooibos. I’m recently becoming a puerh addict.
Southern Indiana
How did you prepare yours? I’m experimenting right now
Hmm, I think a cold latte with real milk- shaken with some sugar or honey, I forget which one- in a cocktail shaker with ice.