1629 Tasting Notes
Meh… I brought this to work with me as well. I used my Libre mug. I wasn’t very impressed with this gunpowder. It was very bitter and had a strange aftertaste to it that I can’t seem to describe. It is smoky in taste and green. I’ve had better gunpowder teas.
Thank you TheDJBooth for this sample!
I love the concept of this tea. This was a good, fresh, bold green tea! The dry leaves are forest green in color. They smelled fresh and green. The leaves were curled up almost like gunpowder but not all the way.
After Infusion, the liquor was a light yellow color almost like a white tea. The scent was sweet with a little nutty note to it. The flavor was bold! I was pleasantly surprised by the natural sweetness in this brew. There was a hint of maltiness, savory and nuts and toast to it but it isnt loud. The green and grassy notes also played its tune. This tea was very smooth! Good tea overall :)
I used the tea randomizer that was in the discussions and this came up. I had forgotten about this tiny sample sitting in its original packaging. I opened this up and inhaled the nutty yet fresh greens!
The leaves are the typical dragonwell leaves, which are iron-flat and long, resembling swords. The leaves were a brown with some green. I compared this to the Teavivre leaves, and the Teavivre leaves were fresher looking – they were bright green leaves. The scent of the dry leaves were a little similar to houjicha with the slight roasted scent to it.
I used a kyusu to brew this. The liquor was a light yellow and smelled mild. The taste was good and bold! It was smooth in the beginning, but left me with a slight astringent aftertaste. I love the fresh green almost vegetal flavor, kind of reminds me of faint celery? (though I really hate celery!). There were roasted and nutty notes to this. Good tea overall. Dragonwell makes for a nice everyday green.
Its raining out and beginning to look like snow. My cats are going crazy staring out the window. Anyhow, this was my beverage of choice. I didn’t want to try anything new, and this tea fit my comfort zone. I brewed this western style, and since this is bagged, it was super simple.