1629 Tasting Notes
So I tried this again today. The steep is a light yellow color. It tastes very delicious, light, and mild floral green. Yummy! Not bitter at all, not that I’ve steeped it as instructed! The scent is very faint. I’ve always liked dragonwell teas. A nice daily green tea. I had more steeps with lunch!
I opened this tin today! Feels good to open one up! The leaves look so fragile, long, and flat! They are larger than I expected. I’ve had dragonwells where the dry leaves are shorter. The aroma is very VERY light. A little vegetal and green.
I couldn’t rate this one because I was distracted and let it steep for longer than suggested. sigh I ran to the kitchen when I realized it was in for too long! The leaves opened up very nicely by then and smelled floral to me. The steep was yellow. I took a sip and it wasn’t bitter at all! Wow very forgiving! But alas, after a few sips, it became more bitter as I reached the bottom of my glass.
Still very good tea indeed. Darn if only I had gotten this one right!
I finished my tin of Chocolate Chai today. I’m on this decupboarding business too! I am going to finally try A&D’s DFTs. Anyhow, this one was nice and creamy since I added some milk and agave to it. The chocolate was nice. Good Morning!