I found this in my cupboard. This is also another reason why I should be drinking a lot more and swap away a lot of my teas. If anyone would like to swap with me, please let me know! Look thru my cupboard and shoot me a message. I would definitely add plenty of extras.
Ok onto the lavender lemon mint tea. This blend is absolutely fabulous!!! It smells very strong of mint and lemon. The picture is exactly how it looks with the mix of lavender, lemon, mint, and cinnamon. I didn’t notice the other herbs in there. I usually have a hard time blending my own lavender tea mixes, so I have to praise this tea a lot for making it blend it beautifully. Each flavor came out playing its own tune but all in a very harmonious way. I love the bits of cinnamon adding a slight spicy and warm note. The floral and herb mix was soothing as well. Yes, this tea is soothing.
The liquor was a pale yellow color, and the scent was beautiful. The mix of lavender, mint, and lemongrass played very well together and were equally present. Wow this is a great mix! I can’t believe I haven’t tried it until now. This is a great nighttime beverage.
Let me know if you want to swap sometime. :)