This tea was sent to me for review by Teavivre.
This was another large solo sample inside a large resealable bag. The dry leaves were very pretty! It was straw colored intermixed with medium brown leaves. They were fuzzy and curled and twisted as well, almost like twine. The scent is very strong, nutty, warm, toasty.
I brewed this Western style. I was in desperate need of tea as my old tea kettle failed me, and I didn’t want to use any of my cooking pots to boil water or heat water up in the microwave. So my husband and I went to Bed Bath & Beyond to purchase a new tea kettle. So finally, I was able to get some tea in me! Steeped, this was a honey-brown color. The scent is a bit milder. The taste is great! Very toasty and nutty with a very mild hint of sweet florals and fruits. Delicious! However, I didn’t enjoy the strange after taste… I think it was astringency. Otherwise, this is a very good tea. As far as yunnan teas go, this one is good!
Everybody seems to like this tea. Two new tea companies for me to order from this year—Teavivre, and Tao of Tea.
In this case the positive reviews didn’t influence me-I was, and am, going to buy it anyway. Just save some for me Steepster Peeps. :))