Wow. I finished this tin! It took me a long time to do it, but I did! I took some to work with me today. Yum! It doesn’t need any additives. So good!
I don’t think I’ll be making any new purchases of teas until I’ve drank half of my tea stash! Who knows though since I love trying new teas! Anyhow, I will miss this tea! This tea holds so many memories for me. Its so interesting how certain smells and tastes are associated with memories. Birthday Tea reminds me of one of my trips to Tanzania where I went with my 2 good friends. I brought this tea along with Blueberry Rooibos with us to share. Every morning we would have Birthday Tea, chai bora during breaks and for lunch, Blueberry Rooibos before bed. :)
My palate has become spoiled by all the good teas I’ve tried, but birthday tea will still be one of my favorites! I love the sprinkles! I wonder if they have gotten rid of them in the newer batches?