I’m someone who happens have an addiction to tea! My tea collection keeps growing and growing, which just means that I’ve got to drink more tea! When life gets a bit too stressful, I love sitting down to a nice, warm cup of tea.
Swap: I am always up for swapping! Take a look at my cupboard and send me a msg! I always send extras since I have too much tea! :)
My cupboard contains all the teas that I own. The teas that are unrated but are in my cupboard are ones that I haven’t opened yet. :)
Likes: chai, all types of teas, dessert teas, Dan Cong & milk oolongs, dragonwell & kukicha greens, flavored rooibos, vanilla anything
Dislikes: bitter
Allergies: Chamomile, Jasmine, Soy
It’s so hard to find a good strawberry tea that doesn’t have that hibiscus taste as well. I’ll have to give this a try! :)
It’s a nice flavor! No hibiscus and it’s not tart! :) def one of my favorites!