I had 2 steeps of this. It smelled so good I couldn’t stop smelling the package even after I’ve emptied the leaves into my gaiwan. It reminds me some cute tea shops that I used to frequent when I lived in NY. I love the dark green leaves all rolled up into a ball. There are some stems in there. The scent is a little musty, sweet, floral, and green.
I had 3 steeps. The steep is a nice yellow color. It tastes and smells buttery and green. There is a hint of floral and sweetness to it but it is very slight. Something lingers in the back of my tongue and its a bit fishy. Sometimes I get that similar taste with some senchas I’ve had. I imagine this would be good with seafood.
I didn’t rate this very well because it was also a bit bitter and the fishy thing.
So I did one more steep and it was so smooth! The fish thing I’ve been experiencing has diminished. I’m bumping the rating up a bit.