I had Lapsang Souchong this morning. I had received this in a swap off of teachat a few months ago, and I wanted to wait until my tin of Bamileke was finished (I have at least 2 unopened tins left – Amazon has those deals). So now that it was finished here it goes!
WOW. My expectations weren’t that high since I wasn’t a huge fan of Bamileke but I eventually became accustomed to the Lapsang Souchong in the blend. This one, standing alone, was unexpectedly delicious! It was smokey and smooth without tasting or smelling like bacon. It smelled like a wood burning in a fireplace or a firepit. I love that smell! It was slightly sweet but maybe it is because of the sweetener my boyfriend put in there.
Last night he asked me, “Why do you love tea so much?” I don’t know… I just do! It makes me calm and I enjoy those quiet and peaceful moments with him and when I’m alone. :)