Breakfast is getting so much easier now that my 13 month old daughter has been adamant about feeding herself messily with a spoon! I can enjoy a cup of tea every morning while she eats her yogurt.
I had opened this up last night and enjoyed it so much that I had it again this morning. I made this with just milk! I heated the milk and added 1.5 heaping teaspoons of caramel matcha and 1 teaspoon of sugar. MmmMmmMmmmmm! The light green frothy brew was delicious. The caramel and orange come through in a gentle manner. The creaminess and sweetness add to this delicious breakfast. Again… dessert for breakfast? I can’t argue with that! I love this tea. I have to make this matcha with just plain hot water next time. I am sure it tastes equally good!
Flavors: Caramel, Creamy, Orange