Finally trying this sample from club box, whew, really behind on those, ^^;.
Half the sample bag into a 68 ml gaiwan, 185F-ish water, long rinse. Sugary sweet finish that lingers on top of a pleasant roasty backdrop. This tea really hits its stride in the late game, around steep 6 or 7, punching a surprisingly sweet honey wallop. It starts off slow, grows into that steep, and then fades slowly back out, but is incredibly forgiving throughout. I oversteeped this tea considerably for one round, and it was merely a bit bitter on the roast, rather than a bitter knot of regret as I was expecting.
Overall, very pleasant, smooth, and sweet with pretty good endurance, but kind of boring to my taste.
Flavors: Honey, Mineral, Roasted, Sugarcane, Sweet