Checkmate in three moves…Steep, Drink and Enjoy!
I have never been a fan of the strategic game of chess simply because I do not have the time or patience to sit through a good game; however luckily enough this tea steeps in 4 minutes which is about as long as my patience seems to last!
Dry the leaves vary is size, shape and colour it really is a cornucopia of tea leaves in this mix, it does a great job of naturally contrasting itself making it appealing to look at the dry leaves (yes I am a freak). While steeping I didn’t notice and overly powerful aroma coming from my steeper, but alas I was cooking bacon at the same time.
The final brew is a darker colour, not as dark as just a straight black tea but enough to enhance Davids claim this tea is like a glass of cocoa. The claim stated by Davids is reinforced even more when you taste this tea, it really does have a cocoa-ish taste to it which is quite a feat for not having any cocoa in it. I do believe however this flavor comes from the coffee flavoring added to the tea combined with the coconut in the tea.
This tea is great for people who both like black tea and white tea being a cheeky mix of both it hits home well for all tea lovers.