A review of Green Tea by Price Chopper

Date: 11/17/2012
Company: Price Chopper
Tea Name: Green Tea
Tea Type/Varietal: Green
Steeping Vessel/Amt. Leaf: cup /tea bag
Plucking Season:
Liquor Color: light green
Leaf Characteristics: This is one of the more inexpensive astringent (clean and fresh tasting) teas that I have purchased as a store brand, it seems to be more-so than Trader Joe’s.


1st Steeping:
Water temperature: 180 Fahrenheit
Time: 2 minutes

I fixed myself a cup of this tea in the morning prior to venturing out for a volunteer posting that I had acquired for the day. I get to be out of the household and not be in the way or bothersome to folks.

Anyhow, I sip this tea lightly and enjoy the clean freshness of it. It is uniquely subtle and so very light and what I need; which a simple cup of tea.

This Price Chopper brand of Green Tea is a refreshing drink with a delicate, clean flavor and I think its freshness beats out Trader Joe’s tea that I used to enjoy and will always enjoy. I am not an expert; I like both teas: that is all.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

It’s nice to have a good grocery-store staple!

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It’s nice to have a good grocery-store staple!

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I like to drink tea less so than when I was aptly reviewing teas. I find that I like less and less of things as I age. I am a somber spirit who prays daily to not be at all. Thank you Steepster for all that you do to enrich tea drinkers.


Uxbridge, MA



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