A review of Indar Tea by Ets Indar—Compagnie Coloniale
Date: 10/04/2012
Company: Ets Indar
Tea Name: Indar
Tea Type/Varietal: Black
Region: India
Steeping Vessel/Amt. Leaf: Cup/ tea bag
Plucking Season:
Liquor Color: dark malt color
Leaf Characteristics:
1st Steeping:
Water temperature: 200 Fahrenheit
Time: 3 minutes
Note: I wanted to try another tea of similar nature (to what I have been drinking to date), yet with many layers of complexity. This tea when brewed is a lovely malt color / dark malt and if one places the cup directly under the light it glows from the center revealing a reddish orange glow. Having steeped the tea for three minutes and removing the tea bag from the tea I am smelling the richness that is in the cup; a roasted quality and when I take a sip I am melt with that sweet malt flavor.
This is a full bodied tea; it is creamy as it is smooth with no off taste. I always think this tea would do well with pure sugar and not with milk since it is not thick enough and yet I say it is full bodied in that it holds well.
Tea finishes as a strong cup of malt tea and adding pure sugar would do nicely and enjoyed by those favoring a more robust ‘malty” cup of tea.
In drinking this tea, I am very aware that it is a mixture of Assam, Ceylon and Darjeeling teas that goes to creating this Indar.