A review of Lotus Tea (Slim Line) by In Nature
Date: 09/20/2012
Company: In Nature
Tea Name: Lotus Tea
Tea Type/Varietal: Green (herbal)
Steeping Vessel/Amt. Leaf: Cup/ leaf
Plucking Season:
Liquor Color: light green to very pale yellow with longer steeps.
Leaf Characteristics:
1st Steeping:
Water temperature: 190 Fahrenheit
Time: 5 minutes
Note: I have been reading up on herbal teas, specifically making sun-tea. So I decided to play with this Lotus tea by treating it as such. I began with clean water added to a clean tea pot (my in-laws) and let the water come to full boil. During the wait, I wash my mug and put one spoonful of the leaves into my cup and then added some of the boiling water to it. I left it to steep for few minutes.
I enjoy the tea’s floral aroma and it light coloring; as I sip the tea, I am salivating/excited since I know I will be drinking this for the remainder of the day. I have a small plastic jug that I will be using for the rest of the day for this tea. I fill this jug with the leaves and add some basil and oregano and fill it with water and let it stand for an hour’s time.
After time has elapse I simply remove the lid and take in the aroma of the floral mixture of the budded lotus which are surfacing in the cup and the mixture of the herbs (basil and the oregano) is heavenly; smells very green and spicy. When I taste it is a nice medley of plant and herbs.
There was not a need to add anything to the Lotus Slimming Tea; I simply spent the day drinking my version of sun tea, room temperature style. In fact I drink this all day long and late into the evening and I was up most of the night. I need to remember to cut off drinking liquids up to 8 or 9 pm and not after; and by 10:00 pm. No more!
One finds a good / great tea one should experiment and experience the tea’s many folds. And this was my way of getting closer to nature and the approaching autumn.
2nd Steeping: this second steep and those following were the best by far (scaling tea to 10)
Water temperature: 170 Fahrenheit
Time: 60 minutes
Note: Tea was steeped much longer at room temperature with the water being mildly hot and I used the same leaves and added some sprigs of basil and oregano to it and left to stand on the window sill for an hour’s time.
Tea was infused with the two herbs and the aroma was that of a spicy combination of the two herbs added to the lotus leaves. It was heady of me to try this, nothing about the Lotus tea calls for a need to improve upon it. Tea is lovely all on its own. The added herb was my version of a sun-tea and I enjoyed sipping the tea all day long. Truly a delightful experience and one I will gladly try again when I open the other box of tea.