A review of Indar Tea by Indar – Compagnie Coloniale
This tea is a special blend of Ceylon, Assam, and Darjeeling.
I brew this tea for a good five minutes and waited for the water to fully boil. Once steeped, I place on heaping teaspoon of sugar and a splash of evaporated milk to my cup. Stirring and letting it all settle, I take my first sip. It seems to taste just fine.
I like the creaminess that the milk brings to the cup and its smoothness and texture is appreciated all the more. I like that I can give in to enjoying a cup of tea with sugar and milk since I don’t normally have it this way.
As nice as the tea is with the added milk and sugar, I feel it takes away from truly appreciating this blend and to recognizing the notes and the citrus of the bergamot oil. This could just be a weakness on my part; in not being able to discern the blends individually when coated with milk and sugar, perhaps.