Title for this review: Green Tea Specialty Teas by Trader Joe’s
As much as I like to sample different teas, it is always a nice welcome of sort to return to just plain green tea.
I let the water boil fully and took one tea bag and placed in the cup and poured the boiling water over it and left to steep for three minutes.
I am drinking this tea as simply and quietly as possible in that not to have to think about flavor or taste bud and teas color and teas character. It is brown in color and somewhat astringent but likable by me. It is what I need in a cup of green tea. There is the store brand green tea and that of Trader Joe’s. I have convinced myself that I can tell the difference.
All that is meant: one if of higher quality; tasting a bit richer more like tea. Tea aficionados would disagree since they know only the finest of teas and dismiss all else perhaps; I don’t know this for sure.