Ruby Red Chai (Spiced Rooibos) by Trader Joe’s
The tea’s color is a vibrant red and smells so wonderful that just the aroma alone is enough to awaken the spirit. I followed the instructions and decided to have this tea plain with nothing added at this time. I feel it is worth smelling the ginger, nutmeg, cardamom and cinnamon; they all mingle so very well. The clove, I always compare to the nutmeg and allspice and this may be that I have not used allspice on its own. So this is a foreign spice to me.
I like that this tea makes me feel warm and alive right away from the simmering cup to the tasting and drinking of the tea. I think this tea will be something I will arrive and come to when needing comfort and strength from the harsh environment out there; not nature but men.
I forgot to mention that the teas are individually wrapped in a clear plastic bag so you can see the teabag and string; this is done to preserve the fragrances until being used. I am guessing this since it is not explained as to why. I have had Trader Joe’s teas and they are usually individual loose teabags in rows within the box; with no other covering.
As stated on the package: This tea is chock full of antioxidants and warms the body, soothes the mind and heals the soul. I can attest to this from having had several cups of this tea today.
I had not been in a Trader Joe’s store for a long time so this was worth it. Thank you!