And finally a review of my current cup of tea lol. This has been keeping me company as I have been watching curling earlier, then put on some classical music, vacuumed the house, did all my laundry from my trip, and cleaned up the kitchen/bedroom. Oh, and played with the cat lol. This is still such a beautiful cup, it’s light and sweet and although it is summery, I also can picture drinking this while light snow is falling in the night. Which it very well might be doing outside here haha. Delicious, and I am nearing the end of this one too, would have liked this to be made available for furher purchase, maybe it will be in the future! Oh, and just checked – I haven’t actually reviewed this one before LOL. So here’s a quick rundown of this tea, which I have enjoyed many times already -
Smells delicious, light jasmine and florals. I usually steep for around 2 mins, and the aroma is heavenly, if you enjoy jasmine haha. The flavor is creamy and sweet, its like Verdant’s lovely Yunnan White Jasmine, but enhanced with even more florals. There is also a strong linen note in the mouthfeel and flavor. This is just delicious and reminds me of light sprinklings of rain or snow, dew covered lawns early in the morning, flower gardens, springtime, and delicate morning frost. Light and beautiful.