Andd last tea of the day right here. The weather went from bright, beautiful and sunny with clear blue skies to cloudy, dark and grey in a few hours..and it’s right at that point where it’s not raining, it’s just grey and miserable looking outside. My mood dipped right with the weather, and probably the fact that I’m trying to finish up the second online course for work (doing work related things on the weekend = sadface). So I needed a pick me up, and this tea, brewed up with some honey added, is hitting the spot. I will also be doing my nightly yoga soon, and that’s always a mood lifter :) anyways, this tea is spicy and lovely as usual, and love that it’s decaf. I might actually have to always have this in my cupboard lol. See previous notes!
Oh, and I’m probably also feeling down as it’s day 13/14 of the bf being away for work (2 weeks on, 1 week off) and I found out this pattern is lasting until at least Sept. It’s not the worst as I actually know his schedule now and we can plan things for his week off, but 2 weeks is a long time to be at home with just the cat. Lol :( but at least he’s back tomorrow! I will have someone to drink tea with every day for a week! :D