Alright, I’m up finishing homework tonight and decided that I would make some chai. I am out of loose leaf, but I had this and thought it might taste good. I boiled 1 cup of water and dissolved 1.5 Tb of brown sugar. I added 2 bags of Bengal Spice and let it simmer for 5-6 minutes. Then I added 1 cup of skim milk and stirred it all together for 3 minutes at a simmer. It smells amazing – very spicy and like burnt caramel…yum. My whole apartment smells like this, it is a wonder the smell didn’t wake my husband up!
Okay, I put this in a cup and tried it….EEEK!! This tea is so heavy on the cinnamon it is crazy. This didn’t fill my cup up much because a lot of the water evaporated, so I added about another cup of milk to my cup. Much better. It is a cold drink, but that is fine. It is pretty good and worth it for the amount of work it takes.
I’m wondering if the cinnamon strength is due to the long steeping?
It could be, but this tea is a bit heavy on the cinnamon anyway. It probably would have been better to just use 1 bag. I will definately try again. After adding the extra milk, it was quite good.