615 Tasting Notes
Tea #34 from Another Traveling Tea Box
Vanilla and green tea strikes me as really odd, which is why I needed to try this one.
It surprisingly works better than I’d have thought. Adagio uses a pretty solid vanilla flavor; it’s sweet, creamy and natural tasting. None of that alcoholic tasting mess. It’s also nice and warming. Every once in a while I’d get a sip that was more vegetal than the rest — the crisp veggie of the green pairs about as well as I thought it would — and that was the only unpleasant thing about this cup.
It wasn’t that amazing, which makes it strange that I could see myself craving this one from time to time.
Tea #33 from Another Traveling Tea Box
It dawned on me that y’all are probably getting sick of me popping up on your dashboards so often. Fear not; I’m down to the last 10 or so samples from this box (that I wanted to try).
This would be a good night time/relaxation cup, or with honey. It’s very (VERY) dominantly chamomile, so if you don’t like the taste of it move along. If you do, this is pretty nice. There’s a subtle appley tartness hiding in the cup that adds a little interest and keeps it from putting me to bed. Otherwise not much of note here.
Tea #32 from Another Traveling Tea Box
Now here’s an Earl Grey I can get behind. Probably because it’s a rather subdued, almost sophisticated tasting EG.
The more delicate approach to the Bergamot really lets the Yunnan base come though. It’s woody and earthy,and ever so slightly sweet — a perfect play off the light citrus.
I’m letting the last cup go on, but I’d consider getting some of this for myself in the future.
Tea #31 from Another Traveling Tea Box
I cold steeped 2 tsp of this in my 12 ounce thermos overnight because the whole idea of warm lemonade seems, well, wrong.
I don’t know what went wrong. This is so, so not good. When it initially goes into my mouth, it’s so promising. It’s lemony, sweet (maybe a bit too much, but eh) and then it hits the back of my tongue. It becomes such a bitter mess that the first time it happened, I almost spit it out. It’s so insanely, intensely bitter, my face screws up and I fear going back for another sip.
Dumped this one out.
Tea #30 from Another Traveling Tea Box
You ever just smell a tea and know you’re not going to like it? While I gave it the benefit of the doubt, that ended up being this tea to me.
The dry leaf smell was, while not necessarily chemical, very plastic and artificial. That taste unfortunately bleeds into the tea. I don’t get much in the way of pineapple, but the passion fruit and strawberry both come through with the sweetness and flavor of candy. Maybe it would be better cold steeped, but I don’t necessarily care to find out.
Tea #29 from Another Traveling Tea Box
Last caffeinated cup of the day. Probably shouldn’t have picked something with ginseng, but I’m used to insomnia, so it’ll be nothing I’m not well acquainted with if it happens.
I don’t love this tea, but it did help me realise that I like ginseng in my tea the most when I can’t taste the ginseng. I’d suspected as much, but it’s the only component here I’m not loving, so that pretty much cements it.
The sencha is very sencha-y, the strawberry is light and fresh tasting, the rose and orange blossoms add a subtle sweetness. Then there’s the slightly spicy, very earthy ginseng and that component seems so out of place. I guess it gives the cup a kind of mellow edge, but it’s not for me.
Tea #28 from Another Traveling Tea Box
I really like the combination of puerh and white teas they used here. They compliment each other really well. The puerh is earthy and rich and the white is sweet and delicate.
That said, I not so surprisingly enjoy this cup. The tangerine flavor and chrysanthemum come through primarly. And the tangerine is crisp and citrusy. There’s also a gentle tartness that I’m associating with the acai. I feel like maybe the floral aspect could be turned down a little bit, as that’s all I get at the tail of the sip and as an aftertaste.
Tea #27 from Another Traveling Tea Box
My immediate reaction when opening the bag was ‘Please oh please be as good as you smell.’ And while it’s not that good, it is really pleasing.
The strawberry in here is perfect. It’s juicy, sweet with a bit of sharp strawberry zip, and most of all it’s subtle. The whole cup is really subtle and subdued while remaining insanely indulgent. I don’t get any chemical aftertaste from the chocolate, and the saffron keeps the whole cup from pushing into ‘too sweet’ territory.
This is the tea that makes all the tea I’ve filtered through today worth it!
Tea #26 from Another Traveling Tea Box
I wish there was more grapey, winey goodness that was promised in the description. It’s lightly floral, lightly grapey and kind of lightly there. I like the qualities it has, it just comes up a little underwhelming in them. I need more OOOMPH. It does leave a really clean feeling in my mouth, though.
Tea #25 from Another Traveling Tea Box
I think by name association, my brain wanted this one to taste like grapes. Or at least kinda grapey.
Spoiler: It doesn’t.
The combination of flavors in here weren’t quite peach, but were almost peach. There’s a little bit of tartness in the aftertaste, that is definitely tangerine flavored.
I don’t dislike this one, but I could give it a pass.
I recommend Strawberry & Vanilla from Lupicia, if you haven’t tried that one yet, and if you wouldn’t mind adding berries to the mix.