I don’t know, this one is yummy but tastes absolutely nothing like any oatmeal raisin cookie I’ve ever had. It reminds me a LOT of DavidsTea Glitter and Gold, because they share the same cinnamon/spice flavour. They smell identical, and brewed the taste the same too except this tea tastes like Glitter and Gold but “more”. G&G is a little weak on flavour for me, but in this tea the flavour is nice and strong. Of course, this one doesn’t glitter, so G&G still has that going for it.
There’s definitely an orange note in here, which makes sense because there are orange peels floating around in the leaf. It’s like that spicy-Christmas-orange taste. Very delicious, but absolutely nothing like an oatmeal raisin cookie.
In sum: Good, but disappointing in that its nothing like you’d expect it should taste. And if you already have Glitter and Gold, don’t get this. However if you WANT Glitter and Gold, get this instead because the flavour is better (although you do lose out on the sparkles).
Haha, we wrote practically the same tasting note for this tea!