There aren't any teas in Michael O'Keefe's Cupboard yet.
90-100: I will continue to buy and restock this tea.
80-89: I will most likely restock this tea.
70-79: I would consider restocking this tea.
60-69: It’s unlikely that I would restock this tea.
50-59: I’ll finish what I have, but I won’t restock this tea.
40-49: I’ll likely try to trade or give the rest of this tea to a friend.
30-39: I’ll drink a cup of this tea again if offered, but only if there’s nothing better.
20-29: I’ll drink a cup of this tea again only if it’s given to me, if offered, I’ll decline.
10-19: I’ll drink a cup of this tea again if it’s given to me, but only to be polite.
0-9: I will not drink this tea again unless under very special circumstances.