I was at Lupicia looking for soba-cha (buckwheat “tea”) or some similar non-caffeinated, roasted drink when I discovered this delightfully packaged Orzo product imported from Italy. Having had barley tea (mugi-cha in Japanese), I was expecting a similar taste.
To my surprise this Orzo was incredibly strong and difficult to drink. The dried form looks like coarsely-ground coffee. When brewed, the grounds turn into a thick sludge that clogged up my infuser, and the resulting drink is dark and murky.
The flavor is like mugi-cha but magnified and with an unpleasant texture. I won’t be trying this again.
In Italy it’s mostly marketed as a coffee substitute and it you ask for decaf you will most often be directed to this. Interesting thing about the texture.
Ah, makes sense. It definitely has the look of a coffee replacement.