5.5g, 90 mL ZZZ

wet leaf: sweet, very light retired smoke

1. bitter medicinal that melts away. something like burnt rubber that was also in the Jing Chang Hao recently, and clove-like note in aftertaste. Peaceful and stilling, nice tea for a rainy Thanksgiving in solitude

2. medicinal sour. some warmth. light floral edge, and a lingering bitterness. Leaves are the greenest of the aged Yiwus I’ve had recently, so maybe also needs the most time to settle. Some lingering aftertaste, but lighter than those ones.

3. strong taste and thinner texture than the others. Hawthorn candy flakes note that seems to crop up in some aged Yiwus.

4. similar.

5. leafy taste. Mugged and topped up with extra hot water after a few hours for a pleasantly sweet cup.

Lots of good aspects are present that need some coaxing. Maybe DTH’s Fujian storage is not as intense as TW dry that the other Yiwus I have went through. With age should be more receptive to pushing and make the nicer aspects more obvious. Fairly relaxing, and maybe not the best choice for getting work done.

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Just a chronicle of a stranger’s tea journey. Keeping old notes up to see progression, but no longer really believe in all of them. Trying to learn!! Weekend warrior mostly now; work is tough.

As of 4/21/21, I will no longer assign numerical ratings to a tea unless it is terrible enough to warrant one. There are a fair amount of solid teas out there, and reading mildly subjective reviews from others > very subjective numerical rating that gets skewed by Steepster’s calculating system anyway.



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