Now this is a tea to start your day! Yes the does start off smoky (and strongly smoky) but rounds off to other non smoky tea flavors. And even though sometimes I may let it steep for >5 minutes, still does not taste bitter or astringent…
Now my daughter tried this one and prior to tasting said," Mom, this smells like beef jerky!" but after she tasted, “Hmmm,,,this does not taste like beef jerky. Wow! This is good….”
One problem- As I am new to world of smoky teas and based on the reviews, I may have been spoiled early by this excellent blend …
I have yet to try Samovar’s Russian Blend, but I’ve sampled many excellent Russian or Lapsang Souchongs. They are all a bit different and some are decidedly stronger than others—although for many reasons a weaker smoke might be more appealing to people. Good for your daughter!
I have yet to try Samovar’s Russian Blend, but I’ve sampled many excellent Russian or Lapsang Souchongs. They are all a bit different and some are decidedly stronger than others—although for many reasons a weaker smoke might be more appealing to people. Good for your daughter!
Definitely it was open-minded of my daughter to even try this tea…
Yes some are stronger than others- I had a sample of Russian Caravan from Upton Teas and the smoke was more like a waft than anything….I will add this sample to the package I am sending you tomorrow…