Gosh darn it all to heck, I wrote this long tasting note and the Steepster Gremlins ate it.
So this is the last of my sample from Awkward Soul. Thanks!
I was called away from my tea and came back 45 minutes later and drank it really cold. I don’t like iced tea but I found this to be really, really enjoyable. I’m conflicted. I bought one of those iced tea makers once and hated the result. Maybe I do like iced tea but I just don’t know how to make it? Maybe I’m just scarred from my mom’s Lipton sun tea? I need some tea counseling.
Tea Counciling!
Maybe! If you ever have a half empty cup that you’re losing interest in (is that just me? lol) maybe try putting it in the fridge for a bit and come back to it!
lol I’ve had teas that the 1st sip was good but after that…blah! hehehe