Haven’t had this tea in ages! I felt like I needed something strong and bold last night after having to deal with some not-fun stuff, and this worked perfectly.
So as for the not-fun stuff… in the last 2 weeks (literally), three couples that I know have broken up, all of whom dated for between 1-2 years. And, in each case, one of the members of the couple was roommates with either my boyfriend or I (we collectively have 4 roommates… which means 3/4 are no longer in relationships). It’s a bit nerve-wracking, to be honest! :( Anyhow, I had to deal with many tears last night (#3 occurred yesterday), which was kind of stressful… sigh. And I’m anticipating potential nasty fallout from this one too, that it looks like I may have to be involved in. I won’t share details, but it’s not going to be a fun time. Anyways…. yay tea?
you picked up the right tea to help for this period, you need to do your cheering tea-list for the following days.
That’s a crazy short period of time, and sounds like a hard position to be in. I can’t imagine. :( This is a great choice of tea though!
What a bummer! Hopefully all members of the dissolved relationships will go their own ways in peace, & not try to make their friends take sides & such. That’s never fun.
Looks like Steepster isn’t sending email notifications again. :( Thanks everyone.
Anyhow, yeah, not a great situation. I only really know details of this third breakup, as the other two couples I was not on that sort of level with, but there’s still turmoil. Luckily, the first two seem to have ended more or less peacefully, but this third one has the potential to become a nightmare. It’s just so crazy that it’s all happening at the same time (and none of them are related in the slightest), and since my boyfriend and I will have been dating a year as of Aug 16th, it just makes me a bit on edge as well! Not that things aren’t going excellently from my perspective, but you’re only ever in control of half the relationship.
Sil, it’s a date for sometime in September when I’ve defended my thesis. :)
you picked up the right tea to help for this period, you need to do your cheering tea-list for the following days.
That’s a crazy short period of time, and sounds like a hard position to be in. I can’t imagine. :( This is a great choice of tea though!
ICK not fun!
personally i suggest tea and board games WITH the BF at our place….just saying..
What a bummer! Hopefully all members of the dissolved relationships will go their own ways in peace, & not try to make their friends take sides & such. That’s never fun.
Looks like Steepster isn’t sending email notifications again. :( Thanks everyone.
Anyhow, yeah, not a great situation. I only really know details of this third breakup, as the other two couples I was not on that sort of level with, but there’s still turmoil. Luckily, the first two seem to have ended more or less peacefully, but this third one has the potential to become a nightmare. It’s just so crazy that it’s all happening at the same time (and none of them are related in the slightest), and since my boyfriend and I will have been dating a year as of Aug 16th, it just makes me a bit on edge as well! Not that things aren’t going excellently from my perspective, but you’re only ever in control of half the relationship.
Sil, it’s a date for sometime in September when I’ve defended my thesis. :)
YAY!!! i should have ALL the tea at my place by that time too lol
ALLTHETEA (Oh dear…) Haha.
There must be something in the water. I’ve seen two relationships end among my friends lately. :/
I wish you the best, dealing with this! Relationship stuff is always a sticky business. I agree with Ysaurella about the need for a cheering tea list. :)