Sooooo my trusty meat thermometer that I use for measuring water temperature requires a new battery. Sigh. It was only a matter of time. Of course, as I type this, it occurs to me that I have a second thermometer somewhere, that was also working recently… Either way, this one was steeped at some temperature below boiling, but I haven’t the faintest idea what it might have been. Kept the infusion time low to hopefully counteract a possible temperature misjudgment.
I was kind of excited to get this tea in my grab bag, as it’s something I was interested in trying, but wouldn’t have purchased myself. The smell of the dry tea is vaguely fruity, and I think I saw a piece of marshmallow root??
I’m happy to say that I’m experiencing zero bitterness, and zero astringency, so I didn’t mess up the infusion! Initially, I’m not tasting too much beyond the green tea (a bit seaweedy, yum) and a vague fruitiness, but I swear there’s an aftertaste of what seems to initially be peach, then more strongly apricot. Yup, this is confirmed with sip #2. Definitely apricot. In fact, the most strong apricot I have ever tasted in a tea blend! Frank – make another apricot blend, because this flavouring is seriously yummy! I will admit that it’s only in the aftertaste, and not particularly strong, but it tastes like yummy dried apricot (I don’t remember seeing a chunk in my infuser, but there could be one). I will cherish my one delicious apricotty cup, since I know the rest are unlikely to be the same. SIGH.
Also, I used a generous 1.5tsp of tea for an 8oz. cup, as I usually find 1 tsp not to be enough.
Anyways, this kitchen sink thing is a super cool idea. I’d be down for trying a kitchen sink black or white too… Giving this a high rating because a) it’s good (one of the better flavoured greens I’ve tried!), and b) it’s a novel idea!
I got this is my grab bag too and am looking forward to trying it. It will be really neat to see how every Cup of this tea will be different.
Ooh, a kitchen sink black with all the dessert-y flavors would be amazing~