Actually followed the instructions this time! Go me! Well… mostly. I put the tea in my 8oz. steeper before reading the instructions, and used 1 tbsp of tea instead of 1 tsp. But that’s ok; I like my tea with lots of flavour.
Anyhow! Here’s my review of the series of steepings. I should note that the colour of the liquid transitions from a bright greenish yellow to a dark golden yellow by the end. Apologies for the long review; I’m trying to work at properly reviewing the straight teas I drink.
First steep 85C/25s
WOAH! This is a new flavour! I can definitely taste the sharp vegetal almost like freshly boiled peas flavour, but there is a sweetness I’ve never tasted before. Like honey. WOW. So there is something to be said for following a company’s guidelines! This is incredibly enjoyable. I’m reminded, strangely, of the time when I tried to make a sweet asparagus dish where I pretty much stir fried asparagus with soy sauce, garlic, and brown sugar until it was pretty much caramelized. There’s a similar flavour in the two. Yum. This is good.
Second steep 86C/27s
This one tastes more like the tea I’m used to, with mostly just the vegetal flavour. It’s good; a bit mouth drying, but definitely delicious. There’s maybe a bit of honey flavour, but nothing like the richness from the first sip that blew me away.
Third steep 87C/30s
This sip takes the tea into a more average range, for me. There isn’t as much flavour, and the vegetal flavour is mostly gone. Nothing wrong with it, but it’s just dry and boring, especially after the first two. I’m a bit disappointed – I was hoping the delicious flavours from the first two sips would continue at least one cup further! I think it was perhaps after this steeping that the leaves started to lose their boiled veggie smell and developed something a bit funky. We’ll see if that carries over into the flavour.
Fourth steep 88C/35s
Darn, same deal with this cup, but even less flavour.
Fifth steep 90C/45s
Looks like this is a 3-steep tea for me. Not really all that disappointed, since it’s hard to drink 5 cups of tea in a night anyways!
I am absolutely blown away by the first cup though. That intense, rich honey flavour was so unexpected and delightful! Upping the rating even more :D