5 Tasting Notes
I received a nice sized sample from Nicole, thanks! I love the aroma of this tea much more than the taste, though the taste itself is great. There seems to be a certain flavor that I don’t care for, but the pineapple tropical taste is more apparent. Or, maybe I haven’t tried enough oolong teas, yet.
First sniff, the tea smells like your’e on a tropical island. The tea is light and pleasant for the most part. I need to give it a few more tries to see if my mind has changed.
Received this from Nicole and it is very tasty! I’ve tried Harney and Sons Green Coconut tea so, this is my second tea from this line. I’m usually not fan of black teas due to the strong punch it gives, but this was not strong at all! I would consider this a dessert tea, and have been sipping this often after dinner.
I love the aroma when steeping and the subtle nutty chocolate taste. I’m sure this tea would taste great with breakfast as well.
This happens to be a green tea that I love! I’ve tried this before, and prefer the loose leaf variety. This is a nicely flavored green tea that tastes like cherries (I’ve never actually had the dessert) and almonds. It’s a nice pick me up dessert like tea that you can have any time of day. I like to drink my teas throughout the day, especially after meals.
The flavor is not overpowering but perfect. I only use agave nectar in my teas to sweeten.
This is my first intro to Butiki teas, as I received this from someone’s stash. Im not usually a fan of green teas, but want to give them more of a try. This tea is unique due to its purple hue. The leaves remind me of black tea, but once steeped, you get a brownish purple hue. It has a wonderful aroma and when I took my first sip, thought this was good. After taking a few sips, it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.
I received this tea as a sample from Liquid Proust Teas. This was my first oolong tea. When I first opened the package, I loved the aroma. This is a green oolong with peach blossoms and flavoring. There is a subtle peach flavor that is not overpowering. Overall, the tea was very pleasant! I look forward to trying more oolong teas.
Flavors: Peach