Here we go, third sample from Golden Moon. After having sushi for dinner, I felt it was only appropriate to have a Green tea afterward. This will be my first time having a Gunpowder tea though.
It steeped to an almost amber/brown color, which seems a bit odd since the sampling packet calls it a “golden green” . The smell, well, honestly I can’t smell much of anything from it. My sense of smell is very bad though.
First sip. woah, did I steep this right? It tastes quite bitter, or maybe that’s the “smokey” taste. It’s almost hard to tell. Aside from that instant taste of bitter/smokey it seems to be almost flavorless. It’s got quite a bitter aftertaste as well. All I think I can chalk it up to is steeping incorrectly, because if this is the right flavor, I don’t know…