Today had such a crappy morning I needed a real boost.I had just ordered from DT and had got Main Squeeze a new Yerba Mate Tea that is my favorite thing…citrusy and lemony!Oh and it’s a stimulant!
It says it’s “sunshine in a glass” and that’s EXACTLY what I need.
Smells so lemony that it makes my taste buds wake up and take notice.
Also smells sweet and tangy.
Once brewed doesn’t smell as nice it actually smells kind of questionable but I’m looking forward to it nonetheless.
Tastes ok..has a very lemony base..tastes light but there’s definitely a yerba mate earthy taste that I’m not 100 percent into.I think this would benefit greatly from being iced.
It’s okay and it gets better as i drink it..but I think I prefer Honey Bee and Jungle Ju Ju as stimulants much more!