2 Tasting Notes

reviewed One Touch Tea Maker by Breville
2 tasting notes

So DH hears me talking about this, and orders from Teavana, of all places. Would have liked it direct from Breville, i.e. any issues: Teavana put a very clearly worded note in the box, NOT to contact them if it needed to be returned, whatever… For me this was a splurge item and would not have purchased it on its merits on my own. It looked like an overpriced hot pot I had in college.
After a month of use I must say that I love it, and it is a pretty awesome appliance. I love tea and have for my entire life so to get to play with exact temps and times without much fussing is really nice. So except for the price, about $270 w shipping and taxes, I am very happy with it. Does what it says, and does it well. Only wish it would hold temp longer than 1 hr. esp. as I like to make a large amount and drink it thru the day.

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The Berry Mint Cassis went on sale immed. after the holidays on the Teavana site. Being new to them I selected this as I had heard they were over priced, and this sounded good and it was on sale and part of an initial Teavana “trial” haul I put together.
Have had it twice and really like it. However, it does need something and for me that was adding a bit of organic honey. The mint did not really come out either time, maybe just a bit. Tasting the rooibos and mine has chunks of citrus in it so getting a lot of that. Wondering if perhaps it was on sale for a reason. It is certainly enjoyable, but I was looking for that mint, and it was not there. Not a bad tea, as it was on sale. Now I see it is not even listed on the site. Discontinued? or just out? Had to look up the steeping and heat time as it was not on the packaging (odd for them from what I have seen) and found this site. Will be interesting to see if it shows up on the website again.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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