drank Nutty Almond Cream by Tiesta Tea
57 tasting notes

This is a really interesting tea. Brews to a shocking pink color. I added in some vanilla soy milk and it looks like I’m drinking paint water! Smells just like spiced apple. The taste is really full and creamy. It reminds me of candied almonds. Make sure you err on the side a fuller infuser, this can be pretty weak if you’re stingy.

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I’m a student living in Chicago. Tea is how I wake up + relax.

Here’s a brief guide to my rating scale:
1-30: nopenopenopenope!
30-50: I don’t hate it? But it’s bad.
50-60: Strict indifference.
60-70: I liked it, but I probably won’t repurchase.
70-90: Love it. I want this in on my shelf 24/7.
90-100: I will huff the tin of this and covet every last drop.



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