I guess it would be this particular blend, but since this has been the only Earl Grey blend I have … I will have to try more. Any suggestions Spohkh
I guess it would be this particular blend, but since this has been the only Earl Grey blend I have … I will have to try more. Any suggestions Spohkh
Tea Blogger, Tea Drinker, Collegian (nurse major), Aspiring Traveler, and lover of Tech
Fresno California
Is it just this particular blend or Earl Grey all together? If it’s the latter, I weep for you =)
I guess it would be this particular blend, but since this has been the only Earl Grey blend I have … I will have to try more. Any suggestions Spohkh
I haven’t had very many blends myself, but in a rush and if you don’t like bagged tea, Numi’s Aged Earl Grey is a dietary staple for me. I also like Harney & Sons Earl Grey Imperial.