Made up a half gallon of this iced – steeped 4 tsp. in 4 cups of leaves, then resteeped in another 4 cups to get that half gallon. Added some honey to sweeten.

This is not bad iced – it certainly tastes very much like the pineapple and coconut shavings that were in it. The honey nicely sweetens and compliments the tea (I cannot put granulated sugar in a green tea – it just…seems wrong) and it is very refreshing.

I’m not sure I can drink this with meals, though – it seems more of a stand alone beverage. Luckily it’s getting hot enough that I’ll be needing something to keep cool in the afternoons…

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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My tea habits:

*I am an unashamed Lipton iced-tea drinker (mass quantities, year round).
*I like hot teas but only in cold weather (and occasionally late summer nights or mornings).
*I love Japanese greens (the more seaweed-y the better) and good strong malty black teas.
*I do NOT love smoke in any form.
*Vanilla, cinnamon, or lemon anything will usually pique my interest.
*I’m working on pu-erh but it’s definitely going to take some time to grow on me.

(updated September 2015)


Medford, OR

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