A sample and a sipdown thanks to Kittenna!
Blueberry has just been my thing lately, what with the 52teas reblend and all. I was excited to get to try this and compare the two, even though it’s not a straight comparison. I just wanted to see how the two blueberry notes stacked up more than anything.
I can tell there’s rooibos in here just because there’s a slight woody note that isn’t present in the straight black 52teas blend. It’s not bad, just an extra part of the flavor. Here the blueberry is juicy and tart, but then the cream comes in to prevent any astringence in the swallow. This is perfect to drink straight and would make for quite an iced tea in the summer, I’ll bet.
Which – summer might actually come this year after all! The high today was 67! Allllmost to the 70s at last!