I brewed up the last of this tea yesterday evening and throughout today.
I’ve been very distractible with work, and the gaiwan has been resulting in a lot of annoyed moments when I reach to find an empty cup. So, I brewed up full pots using quite a lot of leaf. Still more or less instant steep times, as though doing gongfu steeping.
The first three steeps produced a thick, frothing head when strained from the pyrex into the tea pot.
I’m on about my 8th steep at this point which means I’ve made something on the order of two gallons of this tea in the past 24 hours.
I am taking the last of it with me to qigong session in a few minutes.
I certainly hope that da hong of this quality proves to be far less elusive than we currently believe it to be.
Not da hong. Dian hong.
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