Following 75 Tea Drinkers

T.C. 70 followers

Passionate about the outdoors. Love to hike and backpack. Detest coffee, wine...

Alphakitty 257 followers

Tea has always been a passion of mine, though I got away from it during colle...

tattooed_tea 164 followers

Heavily tattooed mom of two. Lover of tea. Body piercer. Addicted to tea &amp...

Azzrian 484 followers

Most of my reviews will be “snippits” of full reviews that can be found at ht...

Daisy Chubb 432 followers

29/f/CAN My favourite tea companies are DavidsTea and Verdant Tea. They pleas...

DAVIDsTEA 828 followers

Welcome to our Steepster page, where we post sneak peeks, reviews and tasting...

gmathis 565 followers

Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, p...

Raritea 191 followers



Writer, photographer, tea drinker.


Alberta, Canada

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