Followed by 623 Tea Drinkers

teevogel 50 followers

Have been drinking tea for over 15 years now(and rooibos for over 20). I lik...

Lady 0f Spaydes 40 followers

A casual tea drinker since my childhood; I recently began to truly explore in...

steelhead 51 followers

My foray into Asian culture in general and tea specifically began about two d...

Gina Caraway 6 followers

Started a tea company three years ago and absolutely fell in love with tea an...

Takarabune 2 followers

I’m a big fan of spicy teas, particularly masala chai. Throw in a bag of Deep...

Emily M 70 followers

Started brewing loose leaf tea about seven years ago. Excited to share my exp...



UPDATE: As of 2020, we have sold Steepster to Adagio Teas. Going forward, we will not have any involvement in the operation or development of Steepster but believe it to be in good hands. If you have any questions or urgent issues, please contact [email protected].

I’m one of the original creators of Steepster!

My favorites are greens and oolongs but I’m open to pretty much anything (although I’m still working my way through pu-erh). Either way, any tea that expands my tastes, teaches me something, or promotes a love of tea is a winner in my book.


Brooklyn, NY


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