Followed by 623 Tea Drinkers

Chris 0 followers

Erin Hurley 61 followers

New to tea. I make a big fat pot at a time! Loose leaf style!

CHAroma 254 followers

Entering the sweet blissful world of tea aromas! Having discovered this websi...

Ryan Burress 8 followers

I am a writer, musician, and aspiring tea aficionado. I have been enjoying te...

TeaVivre 545 followers

Hello, I am Angel Chen, a tea taster and tea ceremony specialist comes from F...

Joshua Smith 67 followers

I am a university student, studying Computer Science, who found that I really...

Adeline 54 followers

Likes: • green teas • floral notes of all kinds • dessert teas Dislikes • lic...

Veronica 268 followers

Tea obsessed since 2010. My Rating System: 100-95 = Teas I actively seek out ...



UPDATE: As of 2020, we have sold Steepster to Adagio Teas. Going forward, we will not have any involvement in the operation or development of Steepster but believe it to be in good hands. If you have any questions or urgent issues, please contact [email protected].

I’m one of the original creators of Steepster!

My favorites are greens and oolongs but I’m open to pretty much anything (although I’m still working my way through pu-erh). Either way, any tea that expands my tastes, teaches me something, or promotes a love of tea is a winner in my book.


Brooklyn, NY


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