Today I decided to go use up some coupons I have at David’s tea. I had a $10 off coupon that I got for making a purchase on Black Friday. Now that this feel good collection is out, I figured I should use it! Plus it expires at the end of the month lol.
I purchased 3 boxes of tea sachets for $25 (which I really got for $15): Live Wire Lemon, Mango Tumeric, and Ginger Peach Moringa. (I also used some free tea rewards to get some Gold Rush and Buchu Superfruit. I was just raking in the deals today!)
I love ginger. It is one of my absolute favourite flavours. I really liked the Ginger Peach Moringa tea. It was fabulous! When I bought this one, I didn’t even realize it had ginger in it. I took the sachet thing to my night class and made a tea with cold water, hoping that the whole “Live Wire” part would keep me awake for my 3 hour class! It did (yay caffeine!).
I left the tea bag in for probably 5 hours. I know, I know. Tea experts probably think I’m crazy (I’m sorry). I’m glad I did this though! If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have tasted the flavour progression! It starts out super lemon-y, which was to be expected. I didn’t really mind it, but it might be too much for some people. After quite some time the ginger flavour really takes the reigns and enters the foreground. I am super happy about this though!
Overall I liked this tea a lot more than I expected. The lemon flavour isn’t as strong as the smell is, which was a good thing because it was pretty powerful. If this was made hot, I think it would be good for clearing up stuffy noses and sore throats! If I make it cold again, I will add some sweetner to add a little something to it. Otherwise I’m really happy with this lemon tea! Remind me not to drink it at 12:37am though…I’m hoping I can fall asleep!
Flavors: Earth, Ginger, Lemon, Lemongrass