A backlog from my lovely Memorial Day dinner! It’s the same mix as last time (Sencha Jade Reserve from Teavana, Fresh Green Mate from Mate Factor, and Fusion Tea Room’s Orange Grapefruit). I used 1.5-1.5-1 in terms of measurement (respectively) and then I poured it over ice.
Yumm! So tart and then there’s the grassy flavor of the sencha that provides a nice contrast. Yummy!
In other news, this three day weekend was quite rough. Saturday was very busy in a not-so-pleasant way (between marching in a parade in a full suit in 90 degree weather to then rushing to an improv show to then going home and doing chores in the hot weather) and then on Sunday, we had to put my poor kitty down :( Well, not really a kitty, as she was older than me, but still! I’ve come to terms with it now, but it is a weird adjustment because I’ve literally had her my whole life and it’s weird that she just isn’t here anymore. However, it was her time and she was in pain so I’m glad we were able to put her down and send her to a better place without any misery on her part!
For those looking for a visual, here’s one from quite a few years ago, though she doesn’t/didn’t look any different (she was quite……. large to say the least :P): http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/215913_1021623156092_1690618482_40422_2489514_n.jpg. This was the only image I could find :( It’s not very good but that black one is our other cat who is now larger but still a kitty
:( Sorry to hear about your cat – that’s always tough. I went through that with mine a few months ago, and although we hadn’t had him my whole life, he had been around for 16 or so years of it.
Aww sorry to hear about your dear kitty. It is always hard. I say a tea session in honour of her is needed =)
Sorry to hear about that. We had to deal with the same thing with one of our dogs last Memorial Day ourselves.
:( Sorry to hear about your cat – that’s always tough. I went through that with mine a few months ago, and although we hadn’t had him my whole life, he had been around for 16 or so years of it.
sorry, losing a pet is never easy…. but it sounds like your family made the right decision.
Aww sorry to hear about your dear kitty. It is always hard. I say a tea session in honour of her is needed =)
So sorry :(
Sorry for your loss, it’s very difficult to loose a furry buddy.
Losing a pet is not easy. So sorry to hear that Ian :(
Sorry to hear about that. We had to deal with the same thing with one of our dogs last Memorial Day ourselves.
Sorry for your loss, I understand having gone through the same thing a few years ago.
I’m so sorry… I hope you are doing ok! It is heartbreaking…
My sincere condolences to you and your family. May your kitty rest in peace. :(