Many thanks to my wonderful friend Isabella for giving me a sample of this tea! If you read this, Bella, you’re amazing!
I understand that this will be quite awkward as I am only 15 and writing a review on a champagne flavored tea…. Regardless, I have had a sip of my parent’s here and there and I know what it tastes like (trust me, I’m not a drinker!).
Anywho, on to the tea. The dry leaf smells like champagne and there is a subtle sweetness in the background… Steeped for 3 minutes with boiling water in my mug. The tea smells kind of bland. Sort of a champagne-y scent (if that makes sense….) but I can tell there’s a sweetness in the tea. The smell isn’t as strong as the dry leaf but the sweetness comes through more, if that makes sense.
For the first sips I’m getting kind of a chocolate-y taste, which is weird because there’s no chocolate. The aftertaste in my mouth is slightly sweet with a champagne-esque flavor.
As it cools the sweetness of the strawberry and the sort of slash (that’s the only word I can think of) of the champagne comes out, and it makes for a nice brew. Overall pretty tasty, though I don’t think I would purchase a full size version of this.
Thanks again Bella!
PS: I’ve realized my ratings don’t make sense (at least to me) so I will be going through and fixing them…. If anyone was wondering :P
I’ve had this before and think from reading all your reviews that either you are not steeping long enough for your taste or not using enough tea sometimes. You seem to comment on weak brews. This one as I remember is better a bit stronger in my opinion and sweetened. Brings out the floral. The aftertaste is champagne alright.
I couldn’t agree with you more. I always brew according to the instructions on the actual tea, and I haven’t really found my “rule of thumb” with most teas. I’m trying though!
I’ve had this before and think from reading all your reviews that either you are not steeping long enough for your taste or not using enough tea sometimes. You seem to comment on weak brews. This one as I remember is better a bit stronger in my opinion and sweetened. Brings out the floral. The aftertaste is champagne alright.
I couldn’t agree with you more. I always brew according to the instructions on the actual tea, and I haven’t really found my “rule of thumb” with most teas. I’m trying though!
Great deal !!
Scratch that. Meant, I’ve been struggling with “is it the tea?” or is it me (prepping). Makes me want to go back and test things again and tweek to make sure.