Final sample from TeaVivre!
Dry, this tisane is LOVELY and smells just as good. It’s bright red and has a pop of green from the verbena, and the lemon is definitely the strong suit in the aroma. I brewed it with my Noble mug from DAVIDsTEA for 8 and half minutes with boiling water.
I added a little bit of sugar to avoid excessive tartness. This tisane is lovely! The apple ISN’T the forte, which I like. It has a very distinct apple aftertaste, however, and I LOVE it. The roselle adds a nice tartness that’s not too strong, and the verbena adds a nice zing to it. So very very nice, I love this tisane so much, and I thank TeaVivre again so much for this sample and all the others. The quality was amazing throughout, and I thank you for being so gracious!
This is one of the tisanes I was eying when I was looking into buying some of her tea (before I bought lots of tea on sale from other vendors). Still, I hope to make a purchase later this year, and your review gives me that much more confidence in her tisanes! Thanks!
Glad you’ve been having such a good time with your samples. I’m expecting mine soon!
This is one of the tisanes I was eying when I was looking into buying some of her tea (before I bought lots of tea on sale from other vendors). Still, I hope to make a purchase later this year, and your review gives me that much more confidence in her tisanes! Thanks!
Absolutely amazing pictures on the website you list in your bio!
No problem SimpliciTEA! It’s SO good. And thank you on the pictures!